Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Not long ago, there were some dogsled races in town. There was one that went to Kimmirut, and I think there was something as part of Toonik Tyme. I felt special for living somewhere that had dogsled races... but now I realize I never needed to come so far. Thanks to Torontoist, I found out that some people in Toronto wished they could be in a dogsled race, except, lacking snow and dogs, changed some key elements (sleds = shopping carts; dogs=people), threw in some silly outfits... and so, the Idiotarod was born. It has the best slogan ever: "Prepare for Awesome." I am currently demanding that people I know in Toronto create a team in my honour. Possibly while dressed up as team Bill Cosby:p.s. - If anyone's interested in making this happen in Iqaluit over the warmer months, well, let's just say I'm always prepared for awesome.


Kate Nova said...

Northmart better watch its carts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention about the Idiotarod! I'm one of the organizers and iIf you need any help putting one together up north let me know. I'm more than happy to help from here in Toronto.

I look forward to your Toronto support team ;)